We are joined by Grant McHerron from Plane Crazy Down Under and get to discuss how he became a balloonatic and what makes PCDU work so well.

Grant McHerron

Grant McHerron

Also, Anthony Limberg from BasicSix calls into the show to tell us about their innovative T-shirts. You can get a 10% discount on all BasicSix T-shirts by using the promo code ‘Xtended’.

An aerial shot made during a US interception of a Russian Navy IL-38 in August 1986 (Image © US Navy)

An aerial shot made during a US interception of a Russian Navy IL-38 in August 1986 (Image © US Navy)

We look at the news and have a new segment from Tim called ‘X10 Our Top 10’, as well as a new #PodsChallenge and some great GetInvolved listener engagement.

Contact Us – Getinvolved@aviation-xtended.co.uk

Tracey Curtis Taylor: Photo Copyright - Graham Holford

Tracey Curtis Taylor: Photo Copyright – Graham Holford

X10 Our Top 10 – Seaplanes:

10. Caproni Ca60
9. ShinMaywa US-2
8. Felixstowe F.2
7. Dornier DoX
6. Martin Seamaster
5. Supermarine S.6B
4. Grumman Goose
3. Short Sunderland
2. de Havilland Beaver
1. Consolidated Catalina

Xtended is available via iTunes (please do continue to subscribe and also rate us, as that really helps us continue securing great guests!) and direct download.

Voyager in Afganistan - Crown Copyright

Voyager in Afganistan – Crown Copyright


If you had an aerobatic display team, what would you call it and how many aircraft and of what type would you use?

Running Order (Hrs.Mins.Secs):

  • 0.03.30 News Update
  • 0.19.18 Grant McHerron from Plane Crazy Down Under
  • 0.41.46 BasicSix
  • 0.41.46 X10 Our Top 10
  • 1.01.26 GetInvolved
  • 1.10.40 Promoting Aerospace
  • 1.21.45 Programme end and outtakes
  • 1.24.15 End





Grant McHerron


Plane Crazy Down Under







Promoting Aerospace

RAAF Centenary http://www.airforce.gov.au/airshows


10 new aviation books for January from friend of the show Matt Falcuss http://www.airportspotting.com/10-aviation-books-january/

David Vanderhoof shared http://www.tasteofcinema.com/2013/7-celebrities-you-didnt-know-were-pilots/

Sixty seconds in aviation http://www.runwaygirlnetwork.com/2013/12/26/infograpic-celebrating-the-human-side-of-air-transport/

Other Show Links

Soyuz undocking, re entry and landing explained – YouTube http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-l7MM9yoxII

Flyer Forums  http://forums.flyer.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=86882&p=1230424#p1230424


The wheel well of a Boeing 737 https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1502903_694459820584948_1188301230_o.jpg