We were delighted to be joined by Major Michelle Curran of the United States Air Force Thunderbirds demonstration team.
Major Curran, callsign ‘Mace’ is just the fifth female Thunderbirds pilot and chatted to us from Las Vegas, discussing her route to becoming a fighter pilot and the challenges she met along the way.
We also talked about the F-16 and of course the Thunderbirds, with plenty of advice for aspiring pilots along the way.

Major Michelle Curran – Image c/o USAF Thunderbirds

Solo Thunderbird – Image c/o USAF Thunderbirds
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USAF Thunderbirds
Major Michelle Curran
- https://www.instagram.com/mace_tbird_5/?hl=en
- https://www.facebook.com/macetbird6/
- Appearance on Kelly Clarkson Show – a must watch! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRzoTkASrMs

‘Mace’ on a training flight over Nevada – Image c/o USAF Thunderbirds
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Huge thanks to Mace for taking the time and to the USAF Thunderbirds for helping to organise the interview.