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Consider for a moment repairing and loading aircraft at -30 degrees with no cover, flying in thick cloud through heavy flak and snow with no idea if you might get through or even deliver your precious cargo. Robert Forsyth talks us through the Luftwaffe’s Stalingrad Airlift, a less well-known event in the tragic Stalingrad story.
He brings to life the challenges, horror and heroism of the pilots and crews who tried to save those trapped in the ‘pocket’.
His new book is published by Osprey Publishing and is available now on our Bookshop and is called ‘To Save An Army: The Stalingrad Airlift’.

Ju523m Delivers supplies
Robert is an author, editor and publisher specialising in historic military aviation. He set up his own publishing company in 1994 to publish his first book and has gone on to write more than thirty titles on the aircraft, campaigns and units of the Luftwaffe, an interest he has held since boyhood.
Robert is a member of the editorial board of ‘The Aviation Historian’ and was of course an expert guest on our Coastal Command series and featured in Episode 126 on the Luftwaffe’s special weapons.
To Save An Army: The Stalingrad Airlift buy it here: https://uk.bookshop.org/a/11161/9781472845412
Recorded 28th November 2022
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Robert Forsyth
- To Save An Army: The Stalingrad Airlift https://ospreypublishing.com/uk/to-save-an-army-9781472845412/
- https://ospreypublishing.com/uk/author/robert-forsyth
- Osprey Books https://ospreypublishing.com/uk/search/?q=robert%20forsyth
- Amazon Books https://www.amazon.co.uk/Robert-Forsyth/e/B001JP1C3O

Ju290 – one of two to reach Stalino. In the background are 5 Fw200 Condors
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