This episode we slow things down and speak to Sam Deeks from The Glider Podcast about glider pilot training; and Kenneth Bannerman, founder of the Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust, about saving the UK’s airfields.

Sam in the cockpit
We have some great listener feedback, a new Amy’s Challenge and a packed ‘Things You Never Knew About…’ segment.

New life for the 146?
We never like to disappoint our listeners, so there is of course an amusing crop of out-takes!

Leavesden Airfield
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Running Order (Hrs.Mins.Secs):
0.03.53 News Update
0.26.48 The Glider Podcast with Sam Deeks
0.48.26 Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust with Kenneth Bannerman
1.04.43 ‘Things You Never Knew About…’
1.13.06 GetInvolved
1.29.31 Promoting Aerospace
1.39.14 Programme end and outtakes
1.43.27 End

Cable break!
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Scary? Listen to Amy’s Challenge!
Further Links for this episode:
Wall Street Journal – Crash Grounds Oil Helicopters in North Sea 8/25/2013
UK hails Hawk T2 training performance – Flight Global
A historic naval air squadron is to be resurrected
Flight Global / New-look BAe 146 firefighter makes debut flight
BBC The Voyager-1 spacecraft has become the first man made object to leave the Solar System.
The Glider Podcast
Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust!/ABCTlive
SPITFIRE 944 – YouTube
Ian Kershaw Video Clip – Man climbing over King Air –!i=2748805053&k=LhWmkXt
RNAS Yeovilton Airshow Shot from a mini UAV –
The UAV Digest