First flying in 1954, some 71 years ago, the Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules has become a iconic aviation legend. Beginning as a military transport, it has evolved into other roles, including gunship, weather research, special operations, firefighting and more – and it is still in production today. We talk to former RAF C-130 pilot Scott Bateman about ‘Hercules – First in, Last Out’ and the men and women of the tightly knit Herc Force and its incredible history. 

Scott Bateman MBE is an aviation professional, TV producer/presenter and ex RAF Loadmaster and C-130 captain with 47 Sqn. Hercules will be out in paperback in May, while his next book is Jumbo, which will be published in February 2026.

You can get a copy of Hercules – First In Last Out  directly from the Xtended Bookshop here:  

Recorded 4th March 2025

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The first flight of the C-130!

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