In the third of our series on the Falklands Air War we look at two further aspects of the campaign – battle damage and maintenance of the Sea Harriers. This is followed by an examination of how the Islands were defended post-conflict.

Steve Thomas SHAR hit by 20mm AAA

Our first interview is with Philip Crabtree (Fleet Air Arm retired), who worked on keeping the Sea Harriers operational and repairing battle damage when they returned from operations

We then go to the end of the conflict and see what happened after the war had finished and speak to Dave Gledhill (Flight Commander 1435 Flight) about his role on two tours defending the islands from the air.

Tornado F3 - David Gledhill

Tornado F3 – David Gledhill

This episode is dedicated to all of those from all sides of the conflict, who did not return home.

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Show Content:

  • 03:16 – Philip Crabtree – Air Engineering Officer
  • 04:38 – Dave Gledhill – Flight Commander 1435 Flight
  • 48:19 – Feedback
  • 06:42 – End

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Philip Crabtree can be reached through the Xtended team. Email us and we will pass on your message

Double engine change in the Fwd Hangar of HMS Invincible

 Dave Gledhill

Dave Gledhill in a Tornado F3

Matt Willis:

Books mentioned

Navy Wings:

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