We feature interviews on the last surviving Supermarine Swift F4, How To Land a Plane and Duncan Menzies, in this aviation book focused episode. Our guest host is Simon Jakubowksi from the Aviation Enthusiasts Book Club on Facebook

Swift 1 – Copyright VTS Trust
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Show Content:
- 10.05 – Supermarine Swift F4 WK275 – Tim Wood
- 45.32 – How To Land A Plane – Mark Vanhoenacker
- 06.12 – Flying to the Edge: The Groundbreaking Career of Test Pilot Duncan Menzies – Matt Willis
- 28.45 – Book News and new Books
- 52.22 – End
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Aviation Enthusiast Book Club
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/359410134220076/
- Simon Jakubowski Twitter https://twitter.com/2000_zinc
- Instagram https://www.instagram.com/book_pilot/?hl=en
Supermarine Swift F4 WK275
To win a copy of this amazing book, message us the book title (and of course the aircraft registration) by email, tweet or Facebook post. Or better still go to: https://www.facebook.com/grubstreetpublishing/ and leave a note saying you heard about the book on Xtended. Entry deadline November 30th (UK and European Residents Only)
- Grub Street http://grubstreet.co.uk/product/wk275/
- WK275 Book signing and aircraft unveiling event https://www.facebook.com/events/1937302693191010/
- Grub Street Books on Twitter https://twitter.com/grub_street
- Jet Art Aviation Restoration Photo’s http://www.jetartaviation.co.uk/2012/12/wk275-that-supermarine-swift/
How To Land A Plane – Mark Vanhoenacker
To win a copy go to https://www.facebook.com/skyfaring and leave a note saying you heard Mark on Xtended talking about the book. Entry deadline November 30th
- Publisher Link https://www.quercusbooks.co.uk/books/detail.page?isbn=9781786487155
- Amazon book ordering – amazon.co.uk/Land-Plane-Little-Ways-Live/dp/1786487152
- Telegraph Article – Five peculiar things you didn’t know about landing a plane
- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/lists/how-to-land-a-plane-weird-facts-lessons/ for book info and window seat gallery
- Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/skyfaring
- Mark’s Twitter https://twitter.com/markv747
- New York Times- a farewell to the 747- https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/10/travel/747-airplane-jet-pilot.html
- New York Times- 360’ virtual reality video in 747 – https://www.nytimes.com/video/travel/100000005412995/the-boeing-747-slowly-readies-to-retire.html
Flying to the Edge: The Groundbreaking Career of Test Pilot Duncan Menzies – Matt Willis
- https://www.amazon.co.uk/Flying-Edge-Groundbreaking-Career-Menzies/dp/1445664410
- @Navalairhistory on twitter and navalairhistory.com
- To win a copy of the Barracuda Book by Matt Willis, all you have to do is go to the MMP Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/mushroomModelPublications/ and mention where you heard the Barracuda feature, that is of course on Xtended. Entries by November 30th please
Book News
- Dragons of Thin Air – The Fear of Flying http://dragonsofthinair.com/
- We have two copies to give away to the first two messages we receive requesting a copy. You just need to send us a pre-paid envelope to send them to you.
Royal Aeronautical Society Book review section
- https://www.aerosociety.com/news-expertise/national-aerospace-library/book-reviews/
- https://www.aerosociety.com/media/6961/book-reviews-october-2017.pdf
Jeannette Remak – Books on Amazon
- https://www.amazon.co.uk/Blackbirds-Tale-aircraft-suckered-believed/dp/1544750315
- https://www.amazon.co.uk/Jeannette-Remak/e/B005JDHWIG
- https://twitter.com/jdjeanne
- https://www.facebook.com/JeannetteRemakAviationArt/
Matt Falcus – Destinworld Books
- Preserved airliners in Asia and North America http://www.destinworld.co.uk/product-category/aviation/
The Aviation Historian
Other Mentioned Links
- Event Fire Solutions http://www.eventfiresolutions.co.uk/
- Wings Over New Zealand Show http://cambridgeairforce.org.nz/WONZ_Show.html
Our Partners
- Royal Aeronautical Society https://www.aerosociety.com
- Global Aviation Resource globalaviationresource.com