We welcome Rowland White back on to the show to talk about his latest book ‘Harrier 809 – Britain’s Legendary Jump Jet and the Untold Story of the Falklands War’.
We learn of untold events unearthed when the UK government opened its secret files for the war, including the development of support products and weapons and the role of Chile in the air war.

809 formation prior to redeployment to South Atlantic after the war – Credit Phil Boyden
We also hear about Rowland’s low level flight in a Blackburn Buccaneer!
Show Content
0.04:03 – News
0.35:38 – Rowland White and Harrier 809
1.38:20 – Promoting Aerospace
1.47:08 Outtakes
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Rowland White:
• Harrier 809 – Britain’s Legendary Jump Jet and the Untold Story of the Falklands War https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/111/1117480/harrier-809/9781787631588.html
Website http://www.rowlandwhite.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/RowlandWhite
T Shirt Designs http://projectcancelled.com/
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